The Joint Career Development Program (JCDP) offered by ACFO-ACAF in collaboration with the Office of the Comptroller General is a unique program that presents our members with the opportunity to benefit from top-quality professional development. For the past five years, thousands of our members across more than 60 departments have received this extraordinary training.

$1M in funding from TBS was secured by ACFO-ACAF under the 2016 FI collective agreement which gives CT-FIN members the opportunity to apply for and receive free professional development.  

It’s possible that you may still have some questions at this point: what are my chances of being chosen? Is it a lengthy, complicated application process? Is this the right opportunity for me? These are all normal questions to be asking yourself.

With that in mind, here are 10 reasons to apply for the JCDP: one-of-a-kind professional development selected for CT-FINs, by CT-FINs.

  1. ACCESSING online training available to members across Canada. Due to the current realities created by the pandemic, training for 2021 has pivoted from in person to online. Although it would be great to come together in person, and we have plans to do so if it’s safe in 2022, we are pleased to maintain high-quality training programs that our members can enjoy from the comfort of their homes.
  2. BUILDING the skills that get you noticed. While developing technical skills is important, soft skills such as effective communication, strategic thinking and people management make you stand out in the workplace. All training offered under the JCDP was selected and tailored to help CT-FINs build their soft skills and reach their potential. Training offered under the JCDP work on skills that the employer has identified as important to our members.
  3. MEETING the right people. In every career, it’s important to build a network with the right people, put yourself out there to get your name known and open various doors for yourself. This can be intimidating, but under the Joint Career Development Program, we help you meet CT-FINs like you at all levels and different departments who could be the difference between you and your next position.
  4. APPLYING quickly and simply. No need to submit a resume or fill out lengthy, complicated documentation—just fill out the online application form at the link below (5-10 minutes to complete) and you’re in. That’s it! Not sure which course you want? You can rank them in order of preference and we’ll match you based on your lottery number and preference.
  5. RECEIVING training that’s awarded randomly and fairly. It’s not about who you know or what role you play in your department. By selecting candidates via random draw, the JCDP gives all CT-FINs an equal chance of receiving training and taking full advantage of this unique opportunity.
  6. BENEFITING from high odds of receiving training. Your chances will ultimately depend on the total number of applicants this year, but the odds are favourable. In past years, 2 out of 3 applicants received one of their training choices. Additionally, during the next round of applications, we will take into consideration who has received training in the past and who hasn’t. The goal is to ultimately provide training to all those interested.
  7. EXPERIENCING highly rated courses. If you have any doubt about the quality of our training, 98% of survey respondents that took our courses last year shared that they’d recommend them to other CT-FINs. “ACFO-ACAF training sessions are always well done… I really appreciate the quality of the training, the topics covered and the professionalism of the speakers,” said one of the participants.
  8. SAVING due to free training offers. If you’re selected by random draw, all JCDP courses are covered by the fund with no out-of-pocket costs to you or your department. In fact, most JCDP courses qualify for CPD credits. You’ll also work with an experienced ACFO-ACAF staff member to plan your training and ensure a seamless, stress-free experience.
  9. CAPITALIZING on PD at any stage in your career. This fund isn’t limited to CT-FINs on their way to becoming the next CFO. Whether you’re brand new to the working world or a manager decades into your career, the JCDP has training that can help each and every CT-FIN become a better employee or a better manager.
  10. OBTAINING one-of-a-kind training.  Several programs under the JCDP, such as uOttawa’s IFSD courses with Kevin Page, are for CT-FINs only and not open to the public. The JCDP is your chance to receive exclusive, once-in-a-career professional development. Additionally, training is offered bilingually and often on multiple dates, which allows more room for members to participate in a language and date that’s convenient for them.

The JCDP is an opportunity you surely won’t want to miss—the deadline to apply is Sunday, June 13 at 11:59 pm ET. Find more details about the Joint Career Development Program including the application form and full descriptions of each form of training at:

For any questions, please contact