ACFO-ACAF is pleased to announce that the public service CT Collective Agreement was signed on December 2, 2022. The speed with which that vote was held means ACFO-ACAF was at the front of the line for signing and should therefore be the first in line for implementation. 

The information in the timeline below outlines important dates relating to the new CT Collective Agreement and provides a guide for upcoming milestones in the implementation of the new agreement. 

We will provide more information, including the draft collective agreement, as it becomes available. For any questions, please contact  

Collective agreement implementation timeline 

December 2, 2022 

Signing of the new CT Collective Agreement 

Negotiated changes and provisions are in effect as of the date of signing. Treasury Board has 180 days from the date of signing to implement all the provisions. However, that deadline may be extended to 460 days in cases where manual processing is required.  

May 31, 2023  

Deadline: Implementation of the CT Collective Agreement 

As of May 31, 2023 (180 days after signing), where there is no manual processing required, paycheques must be adjusted to reflect the new rates of pay which include:

  1. The 2021 CT-IAU increase;
  2. The 2022 CT-EAV, CT-FIN, and CT-IAU increases; and
  3. The 2022 2% one-time allowance.

Manual intervention may be required for employees on an extended period of leave without pay (such as maternity/parental leave), salary protected employees and those with transactions such as leave with income averaging, pre-retirement transition leave and employees paid below minimum, above maximum or in between steps. Manual intervention may also be required for specific accounts with complex salary history. 

November 7, 2023  

Implementation of November 7, 2023 (3%) economic wage increase + 0.5% collective agreement merger allowance 

Effective November 7, 2023, most paycheques should be adjusted to reflect the economic wage increase of 3% and the 0.5% collective agreement merger allowance. 

November 7, 2024  

Implementation of November 7, 2024 (2%) economic wage increase 

Effective November 7, 2024, most paycheques should be adjusted to reflect the economic wage increase of 2%. 

November 7, 2025  

Implementation of November 7, 2025 (2%) economic wage increase 

Effective November 7, 2025, most paycheques should be adjusted to reflect the economic wage increase of 2%.