At the upcoming AGM, elections will be held for the following positions on the ACFO-ACAF board of directors: 

  • Director at Large (x2)  
  • CT-EAV Director (One-year transition term, limited to former AU members only)  
  • CT-IAU Director (One-year transition term, limited to former AS members only) 

We have extended the deadline for nominations to Friday, October 15.  

As per Article 6.3.1 of By-law Number 1, in order to be eligible for a position on the board, candidates “shall have been a Regular Member in good standing with the Association for a period of not less than two (2) consecutive years.” Good standing with prior bargaining agents will count towards the two years qualification for CT-EAVs and CT-IAUs. 

Nominations for these positions must be submitted by email to on or before October 15, 2021.