Are you an ACFO-ACAF member looking to change jobs or for a new opportunity? Are you a hiring manager looking for a list of candidates to fill a CT Group position? Formerly known as the CV Inventory, ACFO-ACAF is re-launching its job matchmaking service under its new name, CT Job Connect, on the my.ACFO-ACAF portal.

This helps match CT Group members who are considering changing jobs with hiring managers looking for CT-FINs, CT-EAVs or CT-IAUs. The inventory allows members to submit their name, information and experience into a repository of possible candidates that will be shared, upon request, with hiring managers looking for new talent for their teams.

With the previous inventory, applicants were unable to change or remove their own submission without having to contact us or submit a new application and only CT-FINs could apply. The new system allows applicants to easily update their profiles, you can opt in or out of the service at the click of a button and CT-EAVs and CT-IAUs can also participate.

If you would like to participate in the inventory:

  • CTs interested in a new appointment can fill out the information form on the my.ACFO-ACAF portal here. You are responsible for updating your own information and both forms under Make Changes > Update My Information and My Profile > CT Job Connect must be completed. If you have not yet registered for the ACFO-ACAF portal, you can find the instructions on how to register here.
  • Hiring managers looking for CTs can fill out the information form here to request a list of candidates that match certain criteria.

Please note that this service is completely optional and ACFO-ACAF does not vet the information provided by potential candidates. Much like with any other job application, it is incumbent on the applicants to ensure information is accurate. ACFO-ACAF also can’t guarantee your own manager won’t access the list, so make sure you are comfortable with your availability for new opportunities being somewhat public.

If you have questions about CT Job Connect, please contact