ACFO-ACAF would like to welcome the new CT-IAU classification to the CT Community. Employees working under the new CT (Comptrollership) occupational group should have received a letter about the creation of this new group, sent by the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer (OCHRO).

The CT Group includes:

  • CT-FIN: Financial management (previously FI classification)
  • CT-EAV: External audit (previously AU classification) 
  • CT-IAU: Internal audit (previously AS classification whose primary purpose is internal audit)

While the CT Group was initially created in 2019, this letter from OCHRO is an important next step in the transition of the CT Group and officially recognizes the creation of the new subgroups.

If you haven’t received this letter yet and you are part of this new group, you can access a copy of the letter here.

New member registration

Registering as an ACFO-ACAF member is an important step for CT-IAUs towards an easy transition. You can register through our membership portal by creating your own my.ACFO-ACAF account. Registering ensures you stay up to date on collective bargaining and all the services that ACFO-ACAF offers.

This is a simple process that takes no more than five minutes to complete.

To register and view registration instructions, click here.

Welcome letter from ACFO-ACAF

ACFO-ACAF President Dany Richard has written a letter to welcome you to the ACFO-ACAF Community and encourage you to formally register with us.

  • Read the letter here 

CT-IAU town hall on Zoom: July 13

Many of you may have received the invitation to our virtual CT-IAU Welcome Town Hall via email. For those who haven’t, this will be your opportunity to ask your questions and share your feedback on Zoom. President Dany Richard will host the bilingual event to provide an update on the CT Group transition and tell you more about our services, followed by a question-and-answer period.

It will be held on Tuesday, July 13 from 12:00 – 1:00 pm ET. You do not need to RSVP to attend. However, we recommend accessing the town hall from a personal device, as government computers often block Zoom.

For any further information or to be sent the link to attend, please contact  

Get to know ACFO-ACAF

If you’re looking to get to know your new union better, we’ve put together a package of information specifically for CT-IAUs to help you better understand our structure, our services, and how we can help you.

  • View the information package here 


If you have any questions about the CT Group transition, please contact ACFO-ACAF Labour Relations Advisor Danielle Viel at