This year, I want to take Labour Day as an opportunity to reflect on the year that has passed and to address how ACFO-ACAF is prepared to face to the challenges on the horizon.

As both an FI and the president of a union, I am aware of the challenges that lie ahead for the public service and organized labour. Over the past few months, we have seen a growing trend of threats to the stability of public service jobs on the provincial level, as well as threats to the organized labour from both within Canada and abroad. Soon Canada will be facing a federal election whose outcome will have a significant impact on both the public service and unions.

I believe that the federal comptrollership and financial management community – the community proudly represented by ACFO-ACAF –is best-equipped to face the future together as a united community of professionals.

We at ACFO-ACAF know that a union is only as good as the services it provides, which is why we are constantly working to add value while continuing to provide the services our members rely on.

When ACFO-ACAF did not see enough of the development opportunities our members needed, we created those opportunities ourselves. This past year alone has seen the launch of the Comptrollership Training Centre, bringing more development opportunities to more ACFO-ACAF members, and the CV Inventory, a career matchmaking service that connects members looking for a new job with hiring managers. The Joint Career Development Program has continued to be a success and has been secured for a further three years in the latest collective agreement.

In addition to expanding professional development opportunities, ACFO-ACAF is also working proactively to protect and expand comptrollership positions by investigating the increase in non-advertised staffing competitions and by advocating for improved financial controls and an increased investment in public service positions. We also negotiated a new collective agreement this year with a record ratification vote of 98.9% of members in support.

I believe there is value in a responsive, professional union that is always evolving to offer the highest possible standard of service. And I know what a privilege it is to offer this service to such a dedicated group of professionals.


Dany Richard, MBA, CPA, CMA
President and Chair of the Board of Directors