After the success of the inaugural FI career fair at this year’s Spring Tune Up and based on demand from members and hiring managers alike, ACFO-ACAF is launching the CV Inventory, a new matchmaking service for FIs who are considering changing jobs.

  • FIs interested in a new appointment are encouraged to fill out the information form here. Your information will be kept in our inventory until you ask us to remove it. The inventory is not connected to the ACFO-ACAF database and, as such, you are also responsible for updating your own information.
  • Hiring managers looking for FIs can fill out the information form here to request a list of candidates that match certain criteria.

Please note that this service is completely optional and ACFO-ACAF does not vet the information provided by potential candidates. Much like with any other job application, it is incumbent on the applicants to ensure information is accurate. ACFO-ACAF also can’t guarantee your own manager won’t access the list so make sure you are comfortable with your availability for new opportunities being somewhat public.

More information on the CV Inventory can be found here.