Looking back on the past year, one of the highlights of 2018 has been the truly unprecedented number of opportunities it offered for engaging with my fellow FIs. Connecting with our community is both a joy and a necessity: hearing your voice and getting your feedback is key to ensuring that ACFO offers you the best possible service and representation.

In 2018, I had the privilege of connecting face-to-face with more FIs than ever before thanks to the record turnout at our town halls, Regional Tune Ups and Joint Career Development Program events. This past year also saw a big change for the ACFO team as we moved our headquarters to a new building in Ottawa’s Westboro area. The move to a more central and easily-accessible area has allowed us to hold more meetings with FIs in our own office than in years past. We look forward to hosting more members and more events here in the coming months.

I was also proud this year to notice an uptick in feedback and engagement from FIs on issues you identified as important to our community. For example, thanks to FIs who flagged specific staffing competitions, ACFO has been able to tackle more staffing issues and will continue to do so into the next year.

I am optimistic that 2019 will be a big year for the FI Community. We know Phoenix continues to be a major challenge, but we are working hard to help resolve individual issues and, as part of the Phoenix damages committee, to ensure a settlement for the entire public service. I anticipate that we will be able to make an announcement on Phoenix damages in the next few months. I can assure you that ACFO will also continue to make progress on important issues like pay equity, staffing and outsourcing and to enhance our development offerings through the JCDP.

With each year that passes, I am prouder and more grateful to represent such a passionate, committed group of professionals, and I am inspired to work even harder to offer you the best possible service. I am excited for the year to come and I look forward to all it will bring.

But for now, on behalf of the entire team at ACFO, I want to wish you all a restful break and a joyous holiday season.

Warmest regards,

Dany Richard, MBA, CPA, CMA
President and Chair of the Board of Directors