Final notice of ACFO’s 29th Annual General Meeting (AGM) is hereby given in accordance with Article 9.13.2 of Bylaw Number 1.

Starting at 12:00 PM ET on Thursday, October 18, ACFO’s third party voting system, SimplyVoting, issued voting information including instructions on how to cast your vote electronically. You should have received a personalized link to access the system and cast your votes. Please note that your link is tied to your ACFO ID. If you lose your link, did not receive a link or need any other voting assistance, please contact Catherine Larrivée at

Online voting is open from October 18 until November 6 at 12:00 pm ET.

ACFO members can also vote in person at the AGM until 7:00 pm. Members wishing to have a proxy submit their votes in person at the AGM on their behalf need to complete a proxy form, which can be found here:

The AGM will take place:

Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at 4:30pm
InterContinental Montreal
360 Saint-Antoine Street West
Montreal, QC  H2Y 3X4

If you are planning to attend the AGM, or if you would like to register for the live teleconference, please contact or toll free at 1-877-728-0695. Dinner will be served, so please indicate any dietary restrictions. We hope to see you there.