As you may know, the current agreement on benefits with NAV Canada expired December 31, 2016. Health and dental benefits are negotiated for all NAV Canada employees at the same time through the NAV Canada Agents Bargaining Association (NCBAA), of which ACFO is a part.

Despite the best efforts of the NCBAA benefits bargaining team, we have been unable to reach a settlement. The NCBAA is looking for specific improvements, including a dental plan for retirees, while NAV Canada management – which has their own separate benefits plan – has insisted on concessions. The NCBAA has made several offers to NAV Canada in an effort to settle this round but all proposals have been rejected.

The next step in the normal settlement process would be to proceed to arbitration. However, the NCBAA is unanimous in its opinion that going to arbitration on benefits would be a mistake. NAV employees, including FIs, only stand to lose in that process.

The current benefits cycle is 2017, 2018 and 2019. With no agreement reached, your benefits continue status quo. Through the NCBAA, ACFO will continue to try to reach a settlement that will contain include the improvements FIs, and all represented by NCBAA, deserve.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact Scott Chamberlain at