This Labour Day, we at ACFO want to celebrate our pride in both serving and representing the FI Community and being part of a larger movement dedicated to advocating for public servants as a whole.

Over the past year, ACFO has collaborated with other public service unions on a larger scale than ever before, expanding our network and deepening existing relationships.

We have strengthened our ties to public service unions in Canadian provinces and the United States and continued to be an active member of Public Services International. We participated in all-union discussions on potential compensation for Phoenix and we will continue throughout the coming months. We are currently also in the process of working with our colleagues in other federal public service unions to share information and strategies on issues of privatization, contracting out and automation within the public service.

These relationships have expanded our resources, given us fresh perspectives on how to enhance the services we provide our membership and helped us better advocate for the interests of the FI Community.

We are proud to be part of a movement devoted to advocating for the best interests of Canadian public servants, but we are especially proud of the community we represent. FIs continue to be an example to all public servants. You have shown the incredible value in the work that you do and ably demonstrated that it can only be done by qualified, professionals with a deep commitment to the Canadian public.

We are honoured to serve you and we will continue to let your high standard of work be an inspiration for our own.


Dany Richard, MBA, CPA, CMA
President and Chair of the Board of Directors
Association of Canadian Financial Officers