As part of ACFO’s summer and fall town hall tour, ACFO President Dany Richard was at NAV Canada headquarters in Ottawa July 20 to update FIs on various initiatives and hear from the membership.

Richard talked about collective bargaining and dynamics behind negotiations, as well as flexible work arrangements. He reminded FIs at NAV Canada that the next round of collective bargaining is scheduled for 2020 and reminded those interested in participating in the process to put their name forward.

Members had the opportunity to ask questions on various topics including leave and career advancement as well as terms in their collective agreement compared to those for FIs in the public service. They also provided a couple of suggestions on flexible work arrangements and performance assessment that ACFO can bring to the table during future negotiations with the employer.

ACFO labour relations advisor Danielle Viel was also present to answer any workplace issues members may have. She reminded FIs at NAV Canada they are always welcome to contact her or any other ACFO labour relations advisor should any workplace issue arises.

ACFO will be holding other lunchtime information sessions through the summer and fall; if you would like ACFO to organize a similar event in your workplace, please contact Jean-Pierre Niyitanga ( to discuss arrangements.