On November 7, ACFO released the early results from the FI Community Phoenix Impact Study, which confirmed our worst suspicions about the true scope of the Phoenix debacle for the FI Community. With the survey now closed, more than 1100 of you have spoken, and the results have received widespread attention from the media and from the employer.

The results of the impact study were featured by Metro Ottawa on November 8. After seeing the article, ACFO was contacted by Marika Nadeau, Special Advisor to Public Services and Procurement’s Deputy Minister Marie Lemay, regarding our study.

On November 15, we spoke with Ms. Nadeau about the results. Although we recognized PSPC’s efforts towards fixing Phoenix, we emphasized the many issues that still remain; according to the study, 85% of FIs who’ve experienced problems with their pay or compensation still have issues outstanding. We further emphasized our disappointment with PSPC’s failure to meet their self-imposed deadline to clear the Pay Centre case backlog and to clearly report the number of cases opened since the backlog was established. All of this has not only placed undue financial hardship on our members. It has placed real mental hardship on more than a third of survey respondents.

The FI Community has remained professional and patient throughout the process but this situation has gone on far too long. Ms. Nadeau insisted Deputy Minister Lemay is committed to resolving this situation as soon as possible and that they take the implications of the debacle very seriously.

The final results of the FI Community Phoenix Impact Study will be shared at ACFO’s AGM on November 24 and published to the membership by email in the weeks following. If you would like assistance in navigating the process of resolving any outstanding Phoenix issues, please contact Labour Relations at labourrelations@acfo-acaf.com or by calling 1-877-728-0695.