Following the expiry of PSPC’s October 31 deadline to clear the Phoenix backlog, ACFO launched the FI Community Phoenix Impact Study on November 1 to paint an accurate, complete picture of the true scope of the Phoenix debacle—and the early results confirm our worst suspicions.

Of the 4600 FIs in the FI Community, some 4300 received the survey and over 900 have already completed it. Some of the standout statistics are:

  • Nearly 75% of respondents have experienced issues with pay or compensation as a result of Phoenix;
  • Nearly half of respondents has seen an increased workload due to Phoenix;
  • Nearly one third of respondents reported their mental health has been affected by Phoenix; and
  • Among the respondents who use Phoenix, two thirds feel they haven’t received enough training.

Among the FIs who have experienced pay or compensation issues:

  • 85% still have outstanding issues;
  • More than half still have multiple issues outstanding; and
  • More than a quarter have been asked to resubmit PARs (Pay Action Requests) as ‘general inquires’, which cuts down on the true backlog from the numbers PSPC has reported.

If you have not yet completed the FI Community Phoenix Impact Study, the survey is closing on Thursday, November 10. Don’t miss your opportunity to contribute to the real Phoenix story. For any questions, or if you or one of your FI colleagues did not receive the survey, please contact Lauren Doty at