On September 23, ACFO met with Treasury Board for a one-day collective bargaining session. This was held between ACFO lead negotiator Scott Chamberlain, chair of the collective bargaining committee Rob Hawkins and Treasury Board’s lead negotiator Monique Baronette. They conducted a complete review of all proposals and information requests to address outstanding items and set the table for the next collective bargaining dates on October 25-27.

It was apparent that Treasury Board did not have a revised mandate since our last session and their economic offer remains at a wholly unacceptable 0.5% per annum wage increase with the same short term disability insurance plan proposal.

In order to reach a deal, we are coordinating with other bargaining agents and encourage you to complete the State of the FI Community Survey so we may obtain valuable demographic information about the FI Community. If you haven’t received the survey, please contact Lauren Doty at ldoty@acfo-acaf.com.

After two years of an expired collective agreement, the pressure is on the employer to deliver on its commitment to reinvest in public services and we are hopeful they will arrive at the table with a renewed mandate. However, should Treasury Board not have a mandate, negotiations will move closer to an impasse and potentially binding conciliation.

For more details or for any questions, please contact Scott Chamberlain at schamberlain@acfo-acaf.com.