On July 7, ACFO Executive Vice-President Dany Richard attended a Public Service and Procurement Canada (PSPC) National Labour-Management Consultation Committee (NLMCC) meeting along with other public service unions. At this meeting, the Phoenix issue was discussed at length.

Mr. Richard urged PSPC to act on the Pay Transformation’s many errors causing undue hardship to the FI Community and spoke of how some FIs have been unable to reach the Pay Centre to even begin to attempt to solve their issues. Although ACFO understands that urgent payment is the top priority for PSPC, FIs experiencing other problems caused by Phoenix cannot go ignored.

The department has assured they are working around the clock and doing everything possible to bring more staff on board to tackle these issues. They also agreed to communicate their action plan and to share more information with employees.

In addition, ACFO is pushing to resolve issues with Phoenix further by filing a policy grievance with Treasury Board grieving the employer’s delay, failure and omission to pay members of the FI Community. 19 corrective actions were requested in the grievance, including the immediate reimbursement plus interest of all outstanding payments.

  • Read the full policy grievance here

We are doing everything we can to hold the employer accountable for this tremendous oversight and we applaud the resilience and professionalism the FI Community continues to show. For any questions, you may contact Nicolas Brunette-D’Souza at nbrunette@acfo-acaf.com or Grant Boland at gboland@acfo-acaf.com.