In two weeks, ACFO will be issuing our first annual State of the FI Community survey, our most important survey yet. It will hugely benefit the FI Community in the workplace, at the bargaining table, at UMCCs (Union-Management Consultation Committees) and in talks with CFOs.

The survey will cover key priorities of the FI Community including leave, professional development, and work/life balance.

We guarantee your confidentiality and only aggregate data large enough to ensure anonymity will be shared with the employer. However, providing data such as your department name, designation status and region will deliver tangible figures on the FI Community and on departmental satisfaction, shedding light on and exposing their prime strengths and weaknesses.

Through a detailed report ACFO will publish based on results, not only will competition arise between departments to improve their performance but you will learn exactly which departments provide FIs with the most opportunities for success and with the rights you deserve:

  • Annual Departmental Rankings will be made available to ACFO members to assist in evaluating opportunities for promotion;
  • We will strategically and constructively target poor performing departments in order to assist them in improving their results; and
  • We will recognize top performing departments to encourage upward trending in these areas.

Finally, our ACFO Labour Relations team will present these valuable demographics at the table, at UMCCs and in talks with CFOs that the employer has illogically failed to collect, reinforcing that the FI Community is a group rightly deserving of high professional standards.

When the survey lands in your inbox on September 22 please take a few minutes during one of your breaks to complete it.