In April 2014, a revised Directive on Performance Management was implemented across federal departments to standardize employee performance reviews. Now that it has been in place for a year, we’ve seen how it is being implemented and, more specifically, we’ve seen how it is being misused or inconsistently applied.

We understand that the overwhelming majority of the FI Community welcomes revised performance standards that are consistent and fair. Indeed, performance assessments are not new to the FI Community. Most of our members already participate in regular performance evaluations. Article 50 of the Collective Agreement provides parameters for formal assessment of an employee’s performance.

As such, the revised performance management structure must respect your rights under the FI Collective Agreement.

Performance assessments can have a significant impact on your employment. If you have been subject to an unfair performance assessment, an action plan is warranted or there are discussions of demotion, termination or withholding your next schedule pay increment, contact the ACFO labour relations team immediately to discuss the particulars of your case (

In the meantime, ACFO is working to ensure the application of the revised performance management system is fair and transparent, with appropriate protections before decisions to terminate, demote or deny increment increases are made. We continue to work as part of the Treasury Board’s consultation groups as well as with our bargaining agent colleagues in the NJC on this issue and we’ll continue to keep you updated as the situation warrants.

For more information on performance management criteria set out in the FI Collective Agreement and the grievance process related to performance management, check out the Performance Management Backgrounder (PDF).