Negotiating teams from ACFO and Treasury Board met once again in Ottawa January 6-8 for another round of negotiations.

Given the nature of this negotiating round, the ACFO team has determined that it is incumbent upon them not to take anything for granted at the table. We have known from the start that this could be a challenging round and our negotiating team is conducting themselves accordingly, ensuring adequate time is given to each issue before them. To that end, the most recent bargaining round was focused on reviewing the employer’s demands in great detail.

We anticipate this work to continue through the next round of talks as well, scheduled for February 17-19.

In addition, the research and job action working groups that were formed just prior to the holidays will begin their work in earnest in the coming weeks. The job action group will be examining the various courses of action available to the FI Community should some sort of job action be required.

The research group will be supporting the negotiating team by researching various proposals and looking for alternative solutions. This work will be greatly aided by ACFO’s international partnerships as we now have access to research and best practices from comparable jurisdictions around the world as well as domestic options.

We appreciate the patience and support of the FI Community as this process unfolds. The professionalism and commitment to public service that you demonstrate on a daily basis in your workplace is invaluable to our efforts. We will continue to mirror that professionalism and commitment as we represent our community at the table.