Having resolved disclosure issues on Treasury Board’s part through an order from the PSLRB in November 2012, the Pay Equity Committee has made excellent progress moving the file forward behind the scenes. More recently, ACFO and TBS officials met with the PSLRB adjudicator in September 2013 to report on progress regarding the disclosure of expert reports and to set down dates for the pay equity hearing.

At this time, ACFO disclosed its expert report to Treasury Board in accordance with agreed upon timelines. The report, commissioned by a leading authority on pay equity, found noticeable wage gaps between FI-1 and FI-2 jobs, confirming that these levels are being paid less than their male-predominant comparators. The report also concludes that the current FI-1 and FI-2 classification standards do not value work equitably. As such, they are more likely than not to produce on-going denial of employment opportunities for FIs at these levels.

Treasury Board is required to produce its own expert report by April 2014. ACFO will then analyze the Treasury Board expert report for rebuttal in the summer of 2014.

The adjudicator also set dates for the pay equity hearing at this meeting. Witness testimonies will be heard from September 15 to 22, 2014, followed by 2 days of closing arguments on October 7 and 8, 2014.

ACFO will continue to provide updates on further developments in the pay equity case as they arise.

For more information in this matter, please contact ACFO Labour Relations Advisor Vivian Gates at vgates@acfo-acaf.com, or call 613-728-0695 ext. 226 (toll-free 1-877-728-0695).
