The three-member arbitration board has been appointed to hear ACFO’s arbitration case for a new FI collective agreement.

ACFO selected labour lawyer Phil Hunt as our arbitration board nominee. Former Treasury Board Negotiator Tony Boettger has been selected by TBS as their nominee. The parties have jointly appointed Michel Picher, one of Canada’s leading arbitrators, as the arbitration board chair.

Dates for the arbitration hearing have also been agreed and the case will be heard on April 5th and May 6th, 2013.

Labour lawyer Ron Pink has been retained to present ACFO’s case before the arbitration board.

The Association is now in the process of finalizing a comprehensive arbitration brief in preparation for the hearing. The report will be shared with the membership once it is disclosed during the arbitration process.

Our brief presents a compelling case establishing that FIs are in demand and undercompensated. ACFO has a strong case in this matter; a recent study conducted by the Hay Group in preparation for the arbitration hearing confirms that there are significant pay gaps in the FI group which must be addressed in order to retain and replenish the talented community of finance professionals who make up our membership.

For more information in this matter, please contact ACFO Labour Relations Advisor Grant Boland by email at, or by phone at 613-728-0695 (toll-free 1-877-728-0695) ext. 222.

