ACFO has a full schedule of events and activities planned during FMI PD Week in Ottawa.

Tuesday – Thursday
Nov. 27
Nov. 28
Nov. 29
 Event Trivia Game Draw Labour Relations Collective bargaining Q&A Drop-in ACFO  Annual General Meeting FI Social Mixer
 Time 3 pm 1:30 – 2:15 pm 6 – 9 pm 5 – 8 pm
 Location ACFO booth
3rd Floor Foyer
Convention Center Room 203 Convention Center Room 205 The Honest Lawyer
141 George St.

Booth activities                                         Nov. 27 – 30, 3rd Floor Foyer

Stop by ACFO’s Booth
ACFO staff and Directors will be on hand at the Association’s trade show booth during the entirety of the conference.  If you are attending sessions during the week, stop by to pick up some great ACFO promotional items, discuss Association business or labour relations issues, or just put a face to the names of the people who work on your behalf to further the FI Community’s agenda.

Play ACFO’s Trivia game!
Test your knowledge of the Association each day for a chance to win a shiny new iPhone 5, sponsored by the Personal Group Insurance.  One lucky winner will be announced at ACFO’s booth at the end of the afternoon break on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Participate in the “I am an FI” campaign
We will once again be taking footage for ACFO’s popular I am an FI campaign.  Take part in an on-camera interview showing your FI pride for two additional iPhone draw ballots.


Labour Relations Q&A Session               Nov. 27, 1:30 – 2:15 pm, Room 203

ACFO Labour relations advisors will be available to answer questions from FIs.  Drop in and get the latest information on where we’re at with collective bargaining.

ACFO Annual General Meeting                Nov. 28, 6 – 9 pm, Room 205

Attend the 2012 AGM to review the Association’s Board of Directors presentation of financial statements, year in review, and vision for the next 12 months.  Budget, By-law, and Board election results will also be announced.  All FIs are strongly encouraged to attend. Dinner will be provided, therefore registration is mandatory.  To RSVP, please email Membership Services administrator Ridha Oueslati at by Friday Nov. 23rd, 2012.


FI Social Mixer                                       Nov. 29, 5 – 8 pm, the Honest Lawyer

Come out to the Honest Lawyer after Thursday’s PD Week sessions to network and discuss issues of interest with fellow FIs and ACFO’s Directors and staff in a casual setting.

For more information on any of these activities, please contact ACFO’s national office at or call toll-free 1-877-728-0695, or local (613) 728-0695.
