The Association has launched the ACFO Alternation Online Network, which is a resource dedicated to FIs with the purpose of connecting members who wish to alternate.
Alternation is a process that allows employees who have been declared surplus, and who were provided with an opting letter, an opportunity to remain in the public service by exchanging positions with an employee who wishes to leave the public service. For more information regarding alternation please visit our Guide to Alternation.
A list of members who have been affected or declared surplus and the list of members who are interested in alternating are now online at . Feel free to contact these members to verify if there is a possibility of a match.
To have your name and contact information added to one of the alternation network lists, please follow the steps outlined here:
If you have been declared surplus, have been provided with an opting letter and wish to remain in the public service, or if you wish to alternate with an opting employee, please send an email to an ACFO Labour Relations Advisor at