As President of ACFO, I see the full impact of how work force adjustments (WFA) are affecting the FI Community. The Affected FI Stats charts provide data on how WFA is affecting our group.  Please keep in mind that these numbers indicate affected members. They do not mean that these will translate into the numbers of people who may be declared surplus.

At ACFO we realize that we will have the most challenges in areas where there are few FI positions, as is the case in some Regions. We will be working with the Employer to address our concerns in this matter.

We know that work force adjustment can be devastating to those whose lives and families are disrupted. We understand how the effects of these cuts will be felt beyond those who are directly impacted. Morale will be low among those who remain. Longer term, it will make it harder to recruit the best and brightest into the Public Service when a generation of Baby Boomers retire.

We are aware that moving forward, FIs will be expected to do more with less and make up the work of those who were laid off. The Association is already seeing a rise in frustration and anger among the membership, and I fear this will only increase the level of workplace interpersonal conflict.

ACFO has taken a number of steps in response to the WFA situation that we are facing. In addition to individual support for impacted members, the Association provides useful information on ACFO’s WFA webpage and will continue to hold information sessions for groups of affected FIs. We are also engaging in consultations with the Employer at the National and Departmental level, and continue to push for strengthening public service financial capacity through political and media advocacy.

Your Association is here to help. ACFO is committed to get FIs the support they need through this process, and ensure that Canada’s world-class financial accountability remains intact. It is our goal that every affected FI wishing to remain with the Public Service finds employment with minimal disruption to their personal and professional lives.

I urge all FIs at this time to take advantage of the resources ACFO provides. If you have been served with an affected notice, if you are interested in alternating, or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact the National Office at 1-877-728-0695 and ask to speak to a Labour Relations Advisor, and review the information available on ACFO’s website, in particular the WFA Guide and FAQ. We are here to help.

These are the early stages of this process and we are confident that ACFO can help minimize the impact on members who wish to stay within the Public Service.


Milt Isaacs, CMA, CPFA
President, Association of Canadian Financial Officers