In a series of meetings on Parliament Hill on March 1, 2012, ACFO President Milt Isaacs made a strong case for the value of financial officers with key Members of Parliament.

The Association pursued these meetings with senior members of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates because that committee is tasked with reviewing the way the government functions and makes key recommendations that affect the role of the FI occupational group.

Milt Isaacs met with the following MPs:

  • Mike Wallace, Conservative, Vice-Chair of the Committee;
  • Alexandre Boulerice, NDP, Critic for Treasury Board as well as the NDP key person on that committee; and
  • The Honourable John McCallum, P.C., Liberal, Vice-Chair of the Committee, Critic for Treasury Board, Public Works and Government Services, Housing and Government Operations.

The topics discussed with these MPs included the upcoming budget, the expenditure review, and how it will impact the role of FIs and the FI community.

Member input provided during last year’s town hall meetings across the country was valuable in helping Milt Isaacs lay out the Association’s case to these MPs.

ACFO has always represented the FI community in a professional and non-partisan manner.  The role that financial officers play in the government and its accountability framework is essential.  Thanks to these meetings, the leadership of the major political parties is hearing our message consistently and effectively.

 Milt Isaacs and Mike Wallace  Alexandre Boulerice and Milt Isaacs  John McCallum and Milt Isaacs

