Both the Public Service and NAV CANADA collective agreements expired on November 6th, 2011.   As previously reported, ACFO has completed the process of preparing bargaining proposals and appointing the respective bargaining teams for each bargaining table.  Requests for bargaining dates were made to each employer in November 2011.


ACFO is pleased to report that our members at NAV CANADA have ratified a new collective agreement on January 23, 2012.

The 27-month agreement includes a number of significant improvements, including a $1,200 lump sum payment upon signing and annual economic increases of 3%.  Full details of the agreement will be provided once the agreement is signed and posted to the ACFO website.

Following productive bargaining sessions held in December and January, a tentative agreement was signed on January 18th 2012.

ACFO would like to take this opportunity to thank the bargaining team for their hard work and recognize NAV CANADA’s bargaining team for the professional and diligent manner with which negotiations were conducted.

The results clearly demonstrate that the parties were able to work together to craft an agreement that reflects the value and recognizes the importance of the FI’s role in assessing risk and providing oversight to the critical operations of NAV CANADA.

Public Service

Treasury Board has responded to our request for bargaining dates.  Tentative dates to meet with the employer’s bargaining team and exchange proposals have been scheduled for late February 2012.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please email ACFO Lead Negotiator Scott Chamberlain at or call 613-728-0695.
