The ACFO Board of Directors has appointed the Public Service negotiating team from among Collective Bargaining Committee members.  The following Association members and staff will represent ACFO at the negotiating table during this round of talks:

Name FI level Department Location
Karen Hall (Chair) 3 RCMP Vancouver
Scott Chamberlain (Lead Negotiator) ACFO
Grant Boland (Assistant Negotiator) ACFO
Dany Richard 2 PWGSC NCR
François Fortier 3 DND Montreal
Raoul Andersen 2 HRSDC St. John’s
Rob Hawkins 2 CSC Joyceville
Stephen Brown 4 DND NCR
Tessie Genise 1 AGR Winnipeg
Richard Rizok (Alternate) 1 PWGSC NCR
Melanie Fugard (Alternate) 2 DND Victoria

The bargaining committee has developed its list of proposals based on the input from the FI Community and a detailed analysis of comparator groups from both inside and outside the Public Service.

We are now working with Treasury Board delegates to set dates for the bargaining committee to exchange proposals.


The following members have been appointed to NAV CANADA’s bargaining team for the current round of negotiations:

Scott Chamberlain (Lead Negotiator)
Linda Diodati
Keri Taber
Debra Clark

NAV CANADA bargaining proposals have been prepared.  Meetings with the Employer are scheduled for Dec. 20th – 22nd, 2011.

For further questions in this matter, please contact Collective Bargaining Committee Chair Karen Hall at or ACFO Director of Labour Relations and Lead Negotiator Scott Chamberlain at or by calling toll-free 1-877-728-0695 ext. 225.
