ACFO has released the results of our FI engagement survey conducted by Dr. Val Kinjerski, a leading expert and renowned author on employee engagement and spirit at work.

The Association commissioned this study as a means to being proactive in our approach to addressing our members’ concerns. ACFO is facing an unprecedented increase in workplace conflict cases.  We need to do more than react; we needed to understand the root cause, and by doing so we can collectively develop preventative measures.  The survey provides us with a scientific versus anecdotal appreciation of the issues that need attention.

Financial Officers score well below average in terms of spirit at work.  In the study, FIs reveal several factors that impede spirit at work, and identify key opportunities for improvement.

Today Canada finds itself on the world stage as a leader in fiscal management.  In fact, our global status has been labeled as the “Canadian Model.” The members of ACFO have contributed to the Canadian Model which has made us the envy of other nations who find themselves in a less desirable position.

The financial management group is a proud professional group that comes to work each day with the desire to contribute to the success of our great nation.  Yet, the findings of the survey would suggest we run the risk of tearing at the fabric of our financial management capacity if we choose to ignore them.  We thereby jeopardize both our status as a world leader and the financial security and good fiscal governance that Canadians have come to expect.

We are in a unique and fortunate position where we are seeking solutions to issues that affect a professional group that is innovative, committed, energized and embrace change and creative solutions.

If the employer were to ever get people management right, it is with this group that it stands the best chance of success.

Your Association is in discussion with key stakeholders in the public service on this matter.  We are seeking solutions to create an atmosphere that allows FIs to reach their fullest potential as an engaged and productive workforce and thereby contribute to financial security for all Canadians.

Members are encouraged to read the full report.  A copy of it can be found here.
