The ACFO Negotiating Team met with the Employer on December 2nd, 2010.

The parties were able to come to an agreement on two of the outstanding bargaining proposals.

Both the Employer and ACFO have maintained their respective positions on severance concessions, wages and duration. ACFO is seeking a two-year agreement with annual increases of 1.5 percent. The Employer is seeking a multi-year deal with severance concessions and wage increases similar to that ratified by several PSAC components on December 1st, 2010.

We have a final bargaining date scheduled for January 20th, 2011. If we are unable to reach a tentative two-year agreement with 1.5 percent annual increases, we will have reached an impasse and ACFO will exercise its right to refer the matter to binding arbitration.

ACFO is willing to meet with the Employer following the conclusion of a two-year contract to discuss their severance proposal. Prior to entering into those talks, ACFO will conduct a membership survey in the new year and prepare thorough costing models for use at bargaining.

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Scott Chamberlain or Vicky Ringuette at 613-728-0695.
