Public Service
On January 20th through January 22nd your ACFO negotiating team met with the Treasury Board negotiating team for three days of productive collective bargaining. Negotiations progressed well and the parties were able to conditionally sign off on numerous proposals. Less than a dozen proposals remain to be negotiated.

ACFO is waiting for a response to our remaining proposals prior to determining whether further negotiations are required.

The NAV CANADA bargaining team had its first bargaining session with the employer from December 9th through December 11th. The parties were able to discuss and reach agreement on all but a few proposals.

ACFO is awaiting confirmation on one remaining proposal prior to putting a tentative agreement to the membership for a ratification vote.

If you have questions or would like more information, please email Scott Chamberlain ( or Vicky Ringuette ( or contact Vicky at 613-728-0695.
