As part of our ongoing commitment to improve the working environment for the FI Community, last November we undertook a major study on employee engagement in partnership with researcher and author Dr. Val Kinjerski. The study has shown interesting results and we want to hear from you again.

We are looking for members from different FI-levels and departments to join in a confidential discussion, lead by an independent researcher, to share their views on various issues facing the FI group, including the levels of engagement in specific departments, the classification system, professional development and the FI levels.

Each session will be held at a central, downtown Ottawa location the week of March 8, 2010.  There will be either morning or afternoon sessions for about 2 hours.  Light refreshments will be available.  If you would be interested in participating in the focus groups and contributing to the Association’s work on employee engagement, please contact Danielle Graham at our National Office at (613)728-0695, extension 224, or toll free at (877) 728-0695 or by email at As seating is limited for the discussion groups, please RSVP no later than February 5, 2010.
