In response to the majority of members who said they wanted to learn more about professional development opportunities on ACFO’s website, we have added a new page to the Professional Development section.

The new conferences page provides a listing of events and opportunities for ACFO members to further their development. In many cases, Financial Officers will be able to enjoy reduced registration fees or other incentives negotiated by ACFO.

ACFO supports career-long development and learning for the FI Community. This new resource is intended to help Financial Officers identify and explore opportunities that will help them grow and develop. Please remember that, unless otherwise indicated, these events are organized by external parties. If you have questions or comments about the conferences, please contact the organizers at the coordinates listed on that page.

If you are an FI who plans on attending any of these events, talk to your manager – the FI Collective Agreements allow for paid leave and the reimbursement of expenses for such opportunities. If you have questions about the relevant sections of the Agreements, please contact a Labour Relations Advisor.
