Rates of Pay:

Effective November 07, 2007: Adjust all rates by 2.3%

Effective November 07, 2008: Adjust all rates by 2.3%;

Lump Sum Settlement Bonus Lump Sum Settlement Bonus, to all employees in the bargaining unit on the date of signing, in the amount of $500. Employees in the bargaining unit includes all persons whose substantive position is FI, including those who are acting in another occupational group or excluded position for less than four (4) months, and all other employees acting in an FI position for four (4) months or more on the date of signing.

Leave with or without pay for Association Business (Article 12) Editorial update to reflect changes to the Public Service Labour Relations Act.

Suspension and Discipline (Article 14) Documents relating to disciplinary action will now be destroyed two years after disciplinary action is taken not including any period of leave without pay.

Grievance Procedure (Article 17) Grievance procedure has been updated to reflect recent changes to the Public Service Labour Relations Act. This includes revised timelines and the additional options of group grievances, policy grievances and expedited adjudication.

Leave General (Article 28) Editorial update to improve gender neutrality in language.

Vacation Leave With Pay (Article 29)  Increased flexibility for members who wish to cash out earned vacation leave.  Removal of the restriction that liquidation could only be requested during the last month of the vacation year.

Maternity Leave Without Pay (Article 33) Improved wording to ensure CFO Transitional Allowance is included in Maternity Allowance calculation.

Maternity-Related Reassignment or Leave (Article 34)  Improved wording to clarify the employer’s entitlement to a medical opinion.

Parental Leave Without Pay (Article 35) Improved wording to ensure CFO Transitional Allowance is included in Parental Allowance calculation.

Leave without pay for the Care of Immediate Family (Article 36) Removal of the three-week floor and five-year cap on leave without pay for the care of immediate family for employees who avail themselves of Employment Insurance (EI) Compassionate Care Benefits.

Bereavement Leave (Article 40)  Improved wording allows employees to select the most appropriate bereavement period of five days either within 2 days following a death or including the memorial commemorating the deceased.Â

Court Leave (Article 41) Editorial change to remove a reference to attending a grand jury as no such judicial proceeding exists in Canada.

Penological Factor Allowance (Article 48) Editorial change to reflect that consultation should occur with ACFO

Professional Allowance (Article 53) Increase to the reimbursement for annual CMA, CGA or CA membership dues from $1100 to $1250

Memorandum regarding Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Transitional Allowance (Appendix B) Effective November 07, 2007

Maintain the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Transitional Allowance:

  • 2% for FI-01
  • 2% for FI-02
  • 3% for FI-03
  • 4% for FI-04

Effective on Signing

Change to clause 1(g) concerning maintenance of CFOTA during FI acting periods.

Effective November 07, 2008

Roll in 2% of the CFO Transitional Allowance at the maximum rate of pay of each level. The pay notes will reflect that on November 07, 2008 the roll-in of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Transitional Allowance will occur prior to the 2.3% economic increase.

Maintain an annual allowance for the following employees at the maximum rate of pay of their level:

  • 1% for FI-03
  • 2% for FI-04

Duration  Agreement to expire November 06, 2009
