Seasons Greetings from ACFO

treeOTTAWA – The Board of Directors, Staff of ACFO and I, wish you a happy and joyous holiday season and a very Merry Christmas. The work that you do contributes to Canada being a country that is one of the best places on the globe to live. Be proud of what you do! You are one of the most educated and professionally qualified public servants employed by the federal government. We are a proud nation where freedom is an expectation yet we know that it takes many public servants to shoulder government policy resulting in the development of this great country of ours. Our hearts and prayers go out to those who serve to protect our freedoms and we wish them and their families all the best and we thank them for their service. We are blessed to live in a country of opportunity and bounty, yet even in our Great Land there are those among us less fortunate than ourselves. As you share in the warmth and laughter of the Holiday Season we should all take the time to reflect on how we can make this time of year more joyous for others. Plan a visit with a friend or neighbour, shovel the walk for an elderly neighbour, donate to your favourite charity.

Looking forward to the New Year, ACFO will be working hard to serve you on several fronts. To name just a few: the renewal of our collective agreement (we are well on our way, meetings with the employer have been scheduled for January and we will keep you posted on developments) and classification renewal (we will continue our strategic advocacy for classification renewal after it was recently announced at the November FMI held in Ottawa that the employer will be advancing the FI classification initiative and we can expect to see progress in the very near future, more to follow on this initiative). We have also advanced our Departmental Representative program providing us access to senior management in each department creating an opportunity to address departmental specific concerns as well as building relationships and collaborating with departments on initiatives that are of benefit to members’s careers and professional development.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas

Milt Isaacs, CMA
Chair ACFO
