ACFO-ACAF is excited to announce that applications are now open for the second annual CT Community Awards! Each year, one award in three categories is presented to members of the CT Community who have made outstanding contributions to the profession and to the community at large.

These awards not only recognize the dedication and innovation of ACFO-ACAF members, but also aim to inspire the entire community. They include:

  • The CT Innovation Award for a member or team of members at the forefront of innovation in finance or audit;
  • The Tessie Genise Volunteer Award for a member who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to volunteerism within the community; and
  • The CT Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of a member’s career of dedication to the CT Community.

Each award winner will be celebrated at the annual Holiday Tune Up Gala event on December 13 (more to come on this), featured in a campaign in 2025, and invited to meet with key public service senior management. Any winners from the regions will have their travel expenses covered to accept their award, so we encourage members from across Canada to apply!

Not sure if you or a colleague would be eligible for the award or what to expect from the campaign? Check out our recent spotlight videos for our 2023 winners:

Danny Ha, recipient of the CT Innovation Award:

Sanja Pintar, recipient of the Tessie Genise Volunteer Award:

Application and eligibility

To see a complete description and the eligibility criteria for each award, visit our Awards page.

Members can either nominate themselves or be nominated by someone else. The evaluation of applications and selection of winners will be done by an independent committee with personal identification removed. Completed nominations must be submitted here by October 31, 2024:

For any questions, please contact