Alternation is a process that allows employees who have been surplused and provided an opting letter an opportunity to remain in the public service by exchanging positions with an employee who wishes to leave the public service.

GCForums is the alternation system that has been created by the employer for the entire public service and is the primary tool used to facilitate alternation matches.  All members who are interested in participating in alternation are encouraged to post their information on GCForums and monitor the site regularly.

In order to help members, ACFO is also establishing its own Alternation Network dedicated to FIs as a resource to connect members who wish to alternate.

If you have been declared surplus, have been provided with an opting letter and wish to remain in the public service, or if you wish to alternate with an opting employee, please send an email to ACFO Labour Relations Advisor Grant Boland at with the following information:

1.     Name

2.     Department

3.     FI Level

4.     Geographic Work Location (Province and Municipality)

5.     Email

6.     Phone Number (optional)

7.     For FIs looking to alternate with an opting employee:  the linguistic profile and security level of your position

8.     For opting employees:  the date you received your opting letter

Please be advised that your information will be shared on the ACFO website and is therefore available to the public.  You may be contacted by other members who are interested in being matched with you.

For more information on alternation and the WFA process, please review ACFO’s WFA Guide, WFA Frequently Asked Questions and Alternation article at

If you have questions regarding alternation or WFA please contact one of our Labour Relations Advisors at or call our National Office in Ottawa at 613-728-0695, toll-free at 1-877-728-0695.
