Following a high-level meeting in Geneva, which included a web conference presentation by ACFO’s Director of Labour Relations Scott Chamberlain, representatives of Public Services International (PSI) and UNI Global Union issued a call for an international labour standard for the protection of whistleblowers.

UNI Global Union has more than 900 affiliated unions in 140 countries with a total of 20 million members represented. Combined with the almost 700 unions in 154 countries representing an additional 20 million members under PSI’s umbrella, this statement brings together the collective voice of 40 million professional workers around the world.

ACFO has emerged as a leading voice on this campaign within PSI and we will continue to work closely with our colleagues in Latin America and around the world on this important issue.

For more information on ACFO’s work on whistleblower protection, please contact Scott Chamberlain (