Milt Isaacs

On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff, I am pleased to welcome you to our new website and to introduce you to our new logo. With our twentieth anniversary approaching, we agreed it was time to give ACFO a new look that better reflects our approach to representing the financial community.

When representing the community our approach has always been about bridging the gaps and connecting people and ideas; we felt it was fitting to have a more symbolic logo.

The new logo, a bridge with a maple leaf cutout in the lower left base of the arch, also shows that we are a Canadian organization. The bridge not only represents our approach to bridging gaps but also strength and forward movement – two characteristics that are normally associated with bridges.

The combination of the new website and the logo gives ACFO a fresh new look; what is not visible is the updated IT infrastructure that will allow us to add more features to better serve our members

The new site is intended to serve as a virtual hub for anyone interested in financial management in the public service and NAV CANADA.Over the next weeks and months, we will be rolling out even more features aimed at supporting and growing the FI Community.

Already we’ve introduced a new podcast series that helps demystify the FI Collective Agreement and an enriched services section that better explains how our Labour Relations team can help Financial Officers.

Please take a few minutes to explore the new site and don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions or comments.


Milt Isaacs, CM
President and Chair of the Board of Directors
Association of Canadian Financial Officers

