Area of Selection and its impact on career mobility and advancement is a key issue for our members. The Public Service Commission Policy on Area of Selection provides access to internal and external appointments and recourse for internal non-advertised appointments in accordance with the Public Service Employment Act. An Area of Selection (AOS) refers to the geographic, organizational, occupational and/or employment equity conditions on eligibility to compete for a staffing opportunity.

ACFO has developed a policy position for the establishment of Area of Selection for FI appointment processes. The objective of our policy is to advocate for balanced areas of selection that support flexibility and efficiency in staffing but also ensures fairness and transparency for the FI Group.

Fostering mobility of our membership, particularly in senior FI classification levels, while permitting some limitation to promote career movement within a department are key considerations. Transparent and progressive areas of selection are needed to ensure a healthy career growth among the FI community. Particularly in a time of budget constraints, shedding of the workforce and fewer staffing competitions.

Through consultation, ACFO will continue advocating for a balanced and transparent area of selection for the financial management group.

