On June 21, ACFO President Dany Richard presented the results of the latest FI Community Phoenix Impact Study survey to Les Linklater, the Assistant Deputy Minister at Public Services and Procurement Canada overseeing the ongoing Phoenix work.

In addition to the alarming statistics about the number of FIs still dealing with pay issues, our latest survey spelled out the concerns many of us are feeling about increased workloads, future impacts of coding errors and the overall impact on the integrity of financial information.

In particular, the push to lift financial controls in response to Phoenix is a concern to many in our community – a concern we have previously raised in the media and one we ensured Mr. Linklater left the meeting well aware of.

We asked PSPC to commit to increasing the number of FIs, at least until the pay system is stabilized, since too many FIs are unable to deal with their regular work while dealing with Phoenix issues. We also asked Mr. Linklater to specifically look into CPA reimbursements since so many FIs have to go out of pocket to cover this expense.

ACFO was the first union to bring real, tangible data about the impacts of Phoenix to PSPC thanks to the FI Community Phoenix Impact Study and the results of these surveys continue to capture the attention of senior leadership. While there won’t be a quick fix to pay administration, this data helps us ensure the needs of our community are identified and prioritized and we appreciate your continued participation in the surveys.

If you are still experiencing pay issues and have not previously contacted ACFO, we encourage you to reach out to labourrelations@acfo-acaf.com so we can help you document your file and understand the options available to you.