As proud partners of both Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) Canada and the UK-based Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA), ACFO is pleased the two bodies have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to improve education and learning opportunities for public sector financial professionals.

“ACFO has a long history of working on professional development issues with CIPFA and with CPA Canada,” said ACFO President Milt Isaacs. “The public service FI Community will surely benefit from an increase in cooperation between these two influential voices.”

In addition to improving professional development opportunities related to public service financial management, the MOU will allow CPA Canada and CIPFA to work together on thought leadership, research and advocacy relating to the sector.

“Having a strong, unified voice calling for strong, professional capacity in the public sector finance ranks is critical,” said Isaacs. “I look forward to continuing to work with CPA Canada and CIPFA to get the recognition and support our community deserves.”

The agreement between CPA and CIPFA was announced in conjunction with the CPA Canada Awards of Excellence in Public Sector Financial Management in Ottawa. As a gold sponsor of this event, ACFO would like to extend congratulations to the winners:

  • Claude Rochette – Financial Leadership (CFO).
  • Deputy Chief Financial Officers’ (DCFO) Council – Innovation (co-winner)
  • Environment Canada – Innovation (co-winner)
  • Paul Drolet – Lifetime Achievement

These awards shine a light on the best and brightest in our community and the broader community we support. The leadership and innovation demonstrated by the winners reflects well on all of us.