An adjudicator from the Public Service Labour Relations Board has dismissed ACFO’s pay equity complaint.

There is a four-step test applied when evaluating complaints such as ours and the burden of proof is on the complainant, in this case ACFO, to prove there is sufficient evidence to show that a group has been discriminated against in terms of a wage gap.

In the adjudicator’s opinion, ACFO’s expert witness failed to meet the burden of proof related to the third step of the test, which in turn is related to the job evaluation process. The adjudicator was not convinced that the expert’s evaluation was sufficient to move the process forward.

The decision was rendered verbally from the bench today and a written ruling will be provided in the coming weeks.

More information will be provided once the team has reviewed the written ruling. In the meantime, any questions should be directed to ACFO Pay Equity Committee Chair Nicole Bishop-Tempke ( or Labour Relations Advisor Vivian Gates (