Amendment to 2019–2020 year-end deadlines (March 20)

Note: The situation regarding COVID-19 is changing rapidly. Please ensure you read the most up to date notices on and understand that older information may become outdated quickly.
The following email was sent to all Chief Financial Officers and Deputy Chief Financial Officers earlier this week:
Given the current situation caused by COVID-19, please be informed that the submission dates for the 2019-20 year-end requirements have been extended by three weeks for now. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and we will inform you as soon as possible of any other changes related to the year-end requirements as deemed necessary.
Please refer to the attached document outlining the changes made for each of these requirements.
The online versions of the following sections of the Receiver General Manual have not yet been updated and will be revised later to reflect the changes:
- Year-end timetable and procedures (formerly chapter 14)
- Public Accounts of Canada instructions (formerly chapter 15)
If you have any questions, you can contact Micheline Appolon, Senior Director, at 819-420-5237.
Thank you,
Sylvain Michaud, CPA, CA
Director General, Receiver General – Accounting and Treasury
Receiver General and Pension Branch
Public Services and Procurement Canada | Government of Canada / Tel: 819-420-5281