ACFO-ACAF is excited to share with you the results of the 2022 Pulse Check Survey, released on July 28. The Pulse Check survey allows members to provide us with their thoughts and honest feedback on the services we provide, as well as suggest new initiatives or corrections to existing services. We had a total of 513 responses. 


Overall satisfaction 

  • General satisfaction remains high towards ACFO-ACAF as a union, also with an overall rating of 4.3 on a scale from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied). 
  • This is a slight increase from last year’s result of 4.2.

Workplace issues and LR 

  • 15% of respondents reported that they had contacted ACFO-ACAF Labour Relations in the past 12 months for help with a workplace issue.  
  • Satisfaction with their service has remained very high, with an overall rating of 4.3 on a scale from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied). 

Improving services for members 

We asked members to share with us any comments and feedback regarding improving services for members. The most common points brought up were: 

  • Negotiating a health plan that offers higher thresholds 

A new tentative agreement has been reached with the employer to update the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP). This agreement will take effect on July 1, 2023, and key gains were made on mental health benefits, vision care, paramedical practitioners’ coverage, gender affirmation, as well as premium rates on parental and caregiving leave. These long-awaited benefit improvements will take effect on July 1, 2023. You can access a detailed list of the benefit improvements here.

  • Offering more in-person events outside of the NCR 

At ACFO-ACAF, we are committed to offering our members across the different regions more opportunities to network, as well as more opportunities for PD. We recently brought back Regional Tune Ups, some of which are still upcoming in Toronto and Montreal.

In addition, a networking event survey was released on August 16, where we gathered input on the types of events members wished to see in the future, both inside and outside of the NCR. Based on the feedback we received, we will be diversifying the types of events we offer, and we remain committed to making our bigger PD events, such as the CT Symposium accessible in a hybrid capacity. 

  • Negotiating a hard stance on telework in the collective agreement 

We are dedicated to supporting our members’ success and growth. We recognize that teleworking is a necessary and viable option for many members, and that clearer guidelines are needed. We will continue to work with the employer on this area during collective bargaining. 

We want to thank all 513 ACFO-ACAF members who participated in the survey. Your feedback helps us improve our services and ensure that we better serve our community in the future and offer our members additional value. 
For more information about the survey or to provide feedback, please contact Lia Bosquet at