Due to technical difficulties, a number of FIs were unable to participate in the arbitration award FAQ  teleconference on July 24th.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

An audio recording and written transcript of the teleconference which provide all the information given out during the call are now available on ACFO’s website at http://www.acfo-acaf.com/podcasts/arbitration-award-teleconference-july-24-2013

The Association has prepared a number of resources to help FIs understand the terms and conditions awarded for the new FI Collective Agreement, some of which were referenced during the teleconference.  A full list can be found in the resources table on ACFO’s arbitration award communique.

As always, if you have further questions or would like clarification on any issue to do with the FI Collective Agreement do not hesitate to contact one of ACFO’s labour relations advisors at labourrelations@acfo-acaf.com.
