My friends,

It is an understatement to say this is not the holiday season any of us could have predicted or wanted. This has truly been one of the most challenging years in living memory for our community, all of Canada and the world. And yet, I have been continually impressed with the way our community has pulled together and pulled through these past nine months.

The ACFO-ACAF membership has always risen to meet every challenge and this year, while unprecedented, proved no different. You continued to deliver public services at the same high standard under incredibly difficult circumstances just when Canadians needed them most, all while dealing with your own personal challenges. I could not be prouder to represent such a dedicated, resilient and adaptable group of professionals.

This pandemic has already lasted longer than any of us hoped, and we all know that there is still more uncertainty that lies ahead. And I know that for many of you, the personal challenges you are facing will only be exacerbated by the coming holidays, the shorter days and in many areas, the increased safety measures.  

But we have also seen in recent weeks that we do have reason to be hopeful – as we approach the beginning of a new year, we can see that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. In the meantime, ACFO-ACAF will be rolling out a new slate of programming designed to support your mental health and help you get to that brighter future.  

This may be a smaller, quieter holiday season than in years past, but I encourage you take the opportunity to spend time with your household and to rest, relax and recharge as the year draws to a close.

I wish you and yours safety, good health and peace this holiday season. Here’s to brighter days ahead.

Warmest regards,

Dany Richard, MBA, CPA, CMA, ICD.D
President and Chair of the Board of Directors