I suppose it’s sort of fitting that my first message to the FI Community since my election as president is one to mark the upcoming holiday season. I see being elected to this position as a gift and it’s my hope that in the coming weeks, months and years we can work together to build a stronger community.

I believe we have an incredible opportunity before us and I’m honoured to be able to represent the FI Community at such an exciting time. Milt Isaacs left us all the gift of a united and respected community and it’s now our time to – in his words – take us to the next level.

To me, that means continuing to strengthen our reputation in the workplace, at the bargaining table and in the political arena. It means fighting to ensure our dedication and professionalism are respected and appreciated but it also means using the platform we have to fight for stronger and more sustainable public services for all Canadians.

I know there are still challenges before us. We’re heading into this holiday season with the Phoenix debacle continuing to affect thousands of us. We’re still fighting for a fair collective agreement. Things are uncertain on many fronts after a challenging year. But I also know this community is strong. We will take care of each other and we will serve Canadians proudly, as we’ve always done.

Best wishes to all of you for the holidays. I am eager to see what 2017 brings.

Warmest regards,

Dany Richard, MBA, CPA, CMA
President and Chair of the Board of Directors