The ACFO-ACAF Compensation and Benefits (CB) committee met for the first time on March 19 and 20. The purpose of the two-day meeting – led by CB committee chair Rob Hawkins – was to review submissions from the collective bargaining survey issued to members in the fall of 2021, develop bargaining proposals and discuss strategic aims for the upcoming round of bargaining. The upcoming negotiations will bring about the first-ever collective agreement for the entire CT Community (CT-EAV, CT-IAU and CT-FIN).

ACFO-ACAF Director of Labour Relations and lead negotiator Scott Chamberlain, along with other members of the Labour Relations team, were in attendance to aid with strategic discussions and the review of the submitted proposals from members.

The CB Committee’s next steps are to finalize demands to bring to the negotiation table and to meet with the employer in April.

The Board of Directors thanks the members of the CB committee who took time out of their weekend to prepare for negotiations. If you have any questions about the collective bargaining process or how the CB committee was selected, please contact Scott Chamberlain (