As last reported, ACFO’s collective bargaining team was scheduled to meet with Treasury Board Sept. 11-13, 2012.  The agenda for the full three-day bargaining session was abridged because the Employer was not yet in a position to table its offer on outstanding monetary proposals.

We did, however, meet on September 11th and made further progress negotiating remaining issues.  Although there are still several key proposals left on the table, further discussions cannot take place until the Employer’s bargaining team establishes their mandate.  We are therefore waiting for the Employer to table their position on all remaining proposals.

Further bargaining dates are scheduled for October 10th and 11th, 2012.  If we cannot reach a tentative agreement at these meetings, we expect to initiate the binding arbitration process to settle an agreement.

November 6th will represent the anniversary of the expiry of our collective agreement. While we have made progress at the negotiating table, the value of voluntary severance concessions remains a divisive issue.  ACFO’s position is that the pattern settlement being offered does not reflect fair value for voluntary severance concessions, nor does it reflect the value of your services when compared to financial managers in the broader public and private sectors.

Your bargaining team will continue to negotiate in good faith and represent your interests to achieve fair and equitable compensation for the FI community.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please email ACFO Lead Negotiator Scott Chamberlain at or ACFO Executive Vice President and Chair of the Collective Bargaining Committee Karen Hall at
