
I am thrilled and proud to inform you that the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board has approved ACFO-ACAF’s application to represent the new CT Group. This means ACFO-ACAF is certified as the union for the new group – which includes the FI, AU and internal audit subgroups.  

This critical step was made possible in large part by the thousands of members who took the time to sign cards asking for ACFO-ACAF to represent the comptrollership community and we are incredibly grateful for, and humbled by, your support. 

With this decision out of the way, ACFO-ACAF can now begin negotiating with the employer to define the transition process and timeline. In the meantime, your existing terms and conditions of employment, including your collective agreement, remain in place. Your rights are protected. 

We expect to have more details to share in the coming weeks. In the meantime, if you have questions, please contact Scott Chamberlain ( 

Thanks once again for the incredible support you showed ACFO-ACAF in this process; it has been an honour to be the voice of the FI Community for 30 years and we’re excited to start our next chapter, representing the entire comptrollership community.  


Dany Richard, MBA, CPA, CMA, ICD.D
President and Chair of the Board of Directors